Roy Herold

"Renowned for having killed more geophytes in his garden than anyone else in PBS. Perhaps the problem is that he lives on the wrong coast, near Boston in a marginal Zone 6, with winter temps rarely below 0 °F, unreliable snow cover, and reliable ice. He does have a cool greenhouse, however, that contains a mix of bulbs, succulents, and other random plants. He is fortunate to be married to a native South African, and gets to go there every couple of years to visit relatives and do some botanizing. He hopes to retire someday and spend more time in his neglected garden."

Going down the wiki list, I seem to have living specimens of Achimenes, Acis, Adonis, Albuca, Allium, Amorphophallus, Anemone, Anemonella, Arisaema, Arum, Asarum, Bulbine, Camassia, Cardamine, Chionodoxa, xChionoscilla, Clintonia, Clivia, Colchicum, Corydalis, Crocus, Cyclamen, Cyrtanthus, Delphinium, Dicentra, Disa, Eranthis, Erythronium, Eucomis, Fritillaria, Galanthus, Hemerocallis, Hepatica, Ipheion, Iris, Lachenalia, Ledebouria, Leucojum, Lewisia, Lilium, Massonia, Narcissus, Nerine, Nothoscordum, Ornithogalum, Oxalis, Paeonia, Pelargonium, Pinellia, Polygonatum, Ranunculus, Rhodohypoxis, Romulea, Salvia, Scilla, Sinningia, Sisyrinchium, Smilacina, Sprekelia, Trillium,Tulipa, Uvularia. I left another couple of dozen off of the list due to their departure from the garden due to death or transfer to better growers.

From his obituary on the North American Rock Garden Society website:
"Robert Roy Herold, 72, of Carlisle, Massachusetts, passed away peacefully at his home on June 6, 2023. Roy was born in West Palm Beach, FL on May 3, 1951. Roy was the beloved husband of the late Helen Herold, who predeceased him in October of 2022. Roy studied electrical engineering at MIT, and went on to have a long career as an engineer. Outside of work, both Helen and Roy were avid gardeners and members of many garden societies. They created a beautiful garden at their own home as well, including growing unique and interesting plants."

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